শুক্রবার, ১৪ মার্চ ২০২৫, ১১:৩৯ পূর্বাহ্ন
➡ TORRENT (MAGNET) LINK Qodrat 2: Directed by Charles Gozali, Imron Ayikayu. With wine with G. Bastian, Aha Sepriaa, Della Dartyan, Donny Alemsyah. After losing his son, Ustadz Qowrat must read more
➡ TORRENT (MAGNET) LINK Grihostho: Director Mainak Bhaumik. Ritabhari Chakraborty, Saurav Das, Aryann Bhowmick, Anusha Viswanathan. A woman who survives a personal trauma doubts her neighbors of violent acts, but read more
➡ TORRENT (MAGNET) LINK The new year that never came was directed by the circuit breaker. Adrian Vanciica, Nicoleta Hâncuta, Emilian Dobran, Marian Anulll. On the brink of 1989 Romania read more
➡ TORRENT (MAGNET) LINK Memory: Directed by Michel Franco. With Alan Nehama, Dutch Welch, Aliya Campbell, Donald McQueen. Sylvia is a social worker who leads a simple and structured life. read more
মাগুরায় আলোচিত বোনের বাড়ি বেড়াতে এসে শিশু ধর্ষণের ঘটনায় সদর থানায় মামলা দায়ের হয়েছে।আজ দুপুরে মামলাটি দায়ের করেছেন ভুক্তভোগী শিশুটির মা। মামলার এজাহারে ভুক্তভোগীর বোনের স্বামী সজীব (১৮) ভাসুর রাতুল read more
➡ TORRENT (MAGNET) LINK La Morsure: Director Romain de Saint-Blanquat. With Léon Dahan-Mort, Lilith Grumgug, Maxime Rohart, Cyril Metzger. The Catholic student is convinced tonight her last night on earth read more
➡ TORRENT (MAGNET) LINK Sugar Island: Director of Johanna Gomez Terrero. With Francis Cruz, Juan Maria Almonte, Ruth Emeterio, Diogenes Medina. The story of a pregnant 14-year-old girl who lives read more
➡ TORRENT (MAGNET) LINK Silent trilogy: directed by South Kuosmann. With South Hurme, Seppo Mattila, Jaan Paananen, Aku-Petteri Pahkamäki. This playful ode to the early cinema has a widower who read more
➡ TORRENT (MAGNET) LINK BAMBI: Rading: In directed by Allen Day. With Roxanne McKee, Nicola Wright, Samira Mighty, Russell Geoffrey Banks. After their mother and son enter the car wreck, read more
➡ TORRENT (MAGNET) LINK The Thief Pie: Director Robert Guédigian. Ariane ASCARIDE, Jean-Pierre DARROROROVES, Gérard Meylan, Grégoire Leprce Ring. Maria is no long young and helps people who are even read more
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